Posts tagged solar panels cost

Solar Heating Panels – Why Bother?

Life Sucks?

Since life sucks, why do folks bother with solar heating panels?  I mean, who cares?  Or why do they even care?

Their Life Doesn’t Suck?

It occurs to me, maybe THEIR life doesn’t suck?  How can I know for sure, if their life sucks or not?  I know one way, of many.

How To Find Out For Yourself?

I can hang out with folks, who volunteer work locally.  I can observe them.  Then I’ll know, for sure, if their life doesn’t suck.  ‘Deed I shall, ‘deed I shall!

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Flexible Solar Panels – Have You Heard?

Flexible solar panels have been with us, for a few years now.

Believe it or not, the technology, to paint or to print, with your printer, a solar panel, works now.  Before too much longer, it may be sold to us.

They are called “solar skins”, the painted, or printed, solar cells.

For more details, go to Buy Flexible Solar Panels.

Be sure to tell, to me, that, which you think, in a comment, below.  Thank you so much!

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